CDC Forced to Release V-Safe Data
We're about to get flooded with 137 Million Vaccine Injury Reports
September 30th, the CDC will have to release their V-safe data, a smart phone app that tracked vaccine injuries. They've been lying about their ability to release it, claiming they can’t anonymize it. Only problem they already did for Oracle. ICAN sued and won!
We're about to see the motherload of safety signals come flooding out - 137 Million entries. It will once again show that they knew and did nothing.
I can't imagine a world where the release of that data is not a major tipping point. But then again, I could never have imagined the psychotic situation we're in today, either.
Hope you're sitting down. Sachs final report for Lancet Covid19 Commission:
SDSN - 19/9/22 (UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network)
The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Report Launch