Meet Jay H. Dempsey from the CDC
He colludes with big tech to sensor anything that goes against the narrative.
You can find Jay on Linkedin or via Email
I sent Jay an email apprising him of the situation he’s in and I hope you will do something similar in a non-threatening way. There’s really no need to call for violence against any of them. Most of these people have dug their own graves at this point.
Hello Jay Dempsey,
I'm writing to let you know how excited I am to see your collusion with big tech (Twitter, Facebook and others) coming to light thanks to some recent FOIA requests!
It's abundantly clear the CDC is engaged in fraud and malfeasance which you helped to cover up by working to silence people via big tech censorship! The mandates derived from CDC "guidelines" resulted in coercion and because people are dying following your mandates, that made it a holocaust, you guys just swapped the gas chambers for delayed reaction soft kill injectibles.
In silencing doctors prescribing early treatments, the vaccine injured telling their stories, and people like me reporting on these facts, you engaged in genocide and mass murder. It's all coming out Jay!
I think best case you can hope for right now is life in prison. However, once the loved ones of the victims of your lies and deceptions become aware of what you've done to them, well they're likely to take matters into their own hands.
I hope that doesn't come to that, and this can be handled lawfully without anyone seeing their family executed in front of them or burned alive with a propane torch. Unfortunately I think people will be so enraged at what's been done to them, many are going to loose what's left of their minds after the prion damage from your "vaccines" and won't be thinking straight.
I hope you guys get ahead of this, start coming forward, telling the truth about the fraudulent data published by the CDC and turning yourselves into the authorities so this can be handled lawfully. If not, may the odds be ever in your favor Jay.
Wow, at least his hair is trying to run away, perhaps it should get a separate trial!
For some reason I got a notification that I’m unsubscribed from your Substack. Perhaps I did something by accident? I’m going to attempt to resubscribe.